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Google Verzichtet Auf Steuerspartrick ‘Double Irish With A Dutch Sandwich’

Google Verzichtet Auf Steuerspartrick ‘Double Irish With A Dutch Sandwich’

Der US-Internetriese hat besttigt, auf die "Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich" genannten, bisher legalen Steuertricks zu verzichten.. Dutch filings at the Chamber of Commerce and seen by Reuters showed that in 2018 Google moved 21.8bn through its Dutch holding company.... Bei dieser Praxis zur Steueroptimierung vermeiden die Konzerne dank Tochterfirmen in Irland und den Niederlanden hohe Steuern in Europa.... In 2020, the company will no longer take advantage of the so-called Double Irish and Dutch sandwich loopholes, which allowed it and.... AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL. O) will no longer use an intellectual property licensing scheme, known as the Double Irish, Dutch sandwich, which allowed it to delay paying U.S. taxes, 2018 tax filings show.. Google says it will no longer use 'Double Irish, Dutch sandwich' tax ... This will simplify Google's tax arrangements in line with efforts by the.... Der US-Internetriese Google hat angekndigt, dass er knftig auf das Steuerschlupfloch 'Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich' verzichten...


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